Instagram Reels - new features for even more interactions

June 27, 2022

Reels are already the dominant content format on Instagram in terms of reach and interactions. By integrating familiar Story stickers, there are now even more opportunities to interact with Reels.

Reel stickers
Instagram users are already familiar with stickers from the Story format - the stickers are designed to make Stories interactive and give Instagram users' communities the opportunity to interact directly with the content.

Now, this feature is finally available for Instagram Reels as well. The following interactive stickers are currently available for selection: Poll Sticker, Quiz Sticker and the Emoji Slider Sticker. The functionality here is exactly the same as this is the case with Stories, but there are differences due to the format.

Since Instagram Stories are only seen by their own followers, the reach of Stories and thus also of interactive Story stickers is limited. In contrast, reels are also displayed to Instagram users who do not follow their own account - so the reach of reels and reel stickers is not limited.

With this function, both brands and private Instagram users have additional opportunities to directly address their communities and to additionally increase the number of interactions with the created content.

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