Influencer Marketing on BeReal: Top or Flop?

March 31, 2023

BeReal is an up-and-coming platform that has set itself the task of promoting authentic and unstaged content. The idea behind it is that users on BeReal should break away from perfect staging and instead show their everyday lives in a realistic and unadorned way. This approach is well received by the creator community, as our pilot campaign on BeReal showed. Not for nothing, the social media platform was the most downloaded app in Switzerland in September 2022. BeReal was downloaded almost 131,000 times on iPhones.

Pilot campaign:

Our first pilot campaign on BeReal! A total of 16 content creators took part in our experiment and created a BeReal for Orangina within one week. This resulted in a total of 16 BeReals and an additional 6 Stories on Instagram.
The Creators were asked to buy an Orangina and carry it with them for a day. The goal was to skilfully stage the Orangina by creating the perfect BeReal. To give the authentic BeReal an additional boost, 6 BeReals were also shared on Instagram in the Story and noted with the hashtag #BeRealWithOrangina.

Screenshots BeReal campaign for Oranigna

Results of the campaign:

  • Content Creator:inside: 16
  • Content Pieces: 22
  • Engagement rate: 21.6%
  • Impressions: 3,320

Our findings:

One of the things we learned from our first pilot campaign was that the community seems to have a strong interest in seeing real people and their everyday experiences, rather than just perfectly staged images and videos. This finding confirms the importance of authenticity and naturalness in today's marketing world.

Another advantage of BeReal is that the creation of posts is straightforward and very fast. This has enabled us to produce and publish a wide range of different content with little effort. The high level of Creator participation also shows that there is great interest in BeReal campaigns on the Creator side.

We also see great potential in sharing BeReal content on traditional platforms such as Instagram. Our recommendation is therefore to combine BeReal with an additional platform for campaigns. This allows companies to share their BeReal content with a larger audience, while also driving creator engagement on BeReal.

The biggest challenge in using BeReal as a marketing tool is to "stay real" despite marketing activities with Creators. It is important to maintain a focus on authenticity and naturalness in order to gain and maintain the trust of the community. Companies should therefore make sure that their campaigns on BeReal fit seamlessly into the platform and do not feature any exaggerated staging.

In summary, we can say that BeReal is a promising platform for businesses. The high participation of creators and the great interest in BeReal campaigns show that this platform has a potential that should not be underestimated. However, companies should take care to remain authentic and natural and focus on the values of BeReal in order to be successful.

If you would like to learn more about using social media marketing to support your live marketing efforts, we are happy to help. Contact us at or book a call with one of our experts directly: Book a Call!